Monday, February 25, 2019

I hope everyone had an awesome break!

What is your child learning this week?

Math: We are focusing on adding 2 digit and 1 digit numbers and word problems.

Language Arts/Daily 5/Writing: The phonics focus this week is ee and ea with r. For Language Arts, we are completing story maps, comparing and contrasting characters, and other various activities with Dr. Seuss books for Read Across America Week. We are continuing to do Daily 5 rotations.

Science/Social Studies: We are going to the Science Lab on Thursday!

- We have our in-house field trip this Wednesday, February 27. Please remember to send back the permission slips and $6 donation for the in-house field trip ASAP. 

Important Dates:
- February 25-March 1: Read Across America Week!
February 26: Firehouse Subs night! Come out and support our school 👍
- February 27: In-house field trip: Wildlife Wonders!
- March 1: FBI Breakfast (7:00-7:45 am).
- March 1: Talent Show at 6:00 pm.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

What is your child learning this week?

Math: We are continuing to learn how to use clocks and tell time. We are also still working on math facts fluency.

Language Arts/Daily 5/Writing: The phonics focus this week is variant vowel or. For writing, we are writing an opinion piece. For Language Arts, we are comparing and contrasting characters and experiences in stories in reading groups. We are continuing to do Daily 5 rotations.

Science/Social Studies: We are continuing with Lewis and Clark! We are going to the Learning Commons twice this week for Lewis and Clark lessons and activities.

-Please remember to send back the permission slips and $6 donation for the in-house field trip ASAP. The field trip is on February 27th and it will be fun and exciting -- your child will be able to see and learn about different animals! Let me know if you have any questions. 

Important Dates:
- February 11-15: Teacher Appreciation Week! 😃
- February 12: Papa John's Night. Come out and support our school! 👍
- February 14: Valentine's Day and progress reports are sent home.

Monday, February 4, 2019

Thursday was an exciting day! It was STEM day, and the students worked together to create a habitat for an animal that would satisfy its needs. They worked hard and did a great job!

Also great news to share... We got a new student on Thursday and we are all so excited! The students have been so kind to him and have been making sure he knows what to do in the classroom. 😊

What is your child learning this week?

Math: We are continuing with time. We are focusing on time on the hour and half hour using analog and digital clocks. We are also working on our math fact fluency.

Language Arts/Daily 5/Writing: The phonics focus this week is variant vowel ur. For writing, we are continuing practicing with opinion writing. For Language Arts, we are comparing and contrasting characters and experiences in stories in reading groups. We are continuing to do Daily 5 rotations.

Science/Social Studies: For Social Studies, we are continuing with Lewis and Clark! We are going to the Learning Commons again this week for Lewis and Clark lessons and activities. For Science, we are going to the Science Lab and learning more about animals.

- Last week I sent home a permission slip and money envelope for our in-house field trip on February 27th. Please sign and send them back to me as well as a $6 donation. I don't want your child to miss out!

Important Dates:
- February 7: Spring Picture Day! Please send back forms if you would like to purchase pictures.