Thursday, April 30, 2020

Assignments for Thursday, April 30th:
*Spirit Day: Go to "Learning Commons" tab on Addison website and visit Mrs. Nelson's blog for a read aloud! There is a read aloud today at 10:30. :)
·       Reading: 15 minutes of reading on either Raz-Kids, Epic, or read your favorite book and send a picture of you reading it. 
·       Phonics: Complete the phonics sheet and have your parents give you a Spelling Test.  Take a picture of your spelling test and post on Dojo. 

·       Math: Watch the video and then complete the 3D shape hunt activity sheet.  

·       Health (Assessment): Watch the video and create a poster on how to be safe at home. You can also use Epic to watch the video “Officer Buckle and Gloria” for additional safety tips! 

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Assignments for Wednesday, April 29th:
*Spirit Day: Go to PE on the Addison website and visit Coach Golden's blog!
• Reading: 15 minutes of reading on either Raz-Kids, Epic, or read your favorite book and send a picture of you reading it.
• Phonics: Complete this phonics activity sheet by printing it out or writing the answers on a piece of notebook paper. Send a picture of your completed work!

• Math: Watch the video then complete the math book pages 717-722. Send a picture of your completed work.
• Science: Create a diagram of a plant including its roots, steam, leaves, petals, seeds, and stem! You can use whatever you can find in the house. Make it as creative as you want to. :) Send a picture of your completed project! You can also tell about what each part of the plant does.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Assignments for Tuesday, April 28th 
*Spirit Day: Go to ART on Addison website and visit Ms. Stoddard's blog!
·       Reading: 15 minutes of reading on either Raz-Kids, Epic, or read your favorite book and send a picture of you reading it. 
·       Phonics: Read through the poem and circle, write, or make a list of all words with the oi spelling pattern 

·       Math: Watch the video then complete math book pages 711 –716. 
·       Science (Assessment)Please watch the Brainpop Jrvideo on the lifecycle of a plant and complete the following activity sheet. 

Monday, April 27, 2020

Happy Monday! Let's get ready for another great week! :)

Assignments for Monday, April 27th:
*Spirit Day: Go to MUSIC on the Addison Website and visit Dr. Champion's blog!
 Reading: 15 minutes of reading on either Raz-Kids, Epic, or read your favorite book and send a picture of you reading it.
 Phonics: point, toy, soil, joy, oil, spoil, near, everything, wouldn't, yourself
 Math: Watch the Brainpop Jr. on Solid Shapes and complete the quiz.
 Writing / Social Studies (Assessment): Go to the Addison Homepage and click on Kid Links, click on Cobb Digital Library, click on the BookFlix application, click on Family and Community, click on The Other Side / Ruby Bridges. Watch the videos and then complete the Venn Diagram on comparing your life to Ruby Bridges life.

If you have trouble accessing Bookflix, here are the read alouds of the books for you. The Ruby Bridges book is not on YouTube, so I put another book in its place:
The Other Side:
Ruby Bridges:
**Here is a recent video of Ruby Bridges that your students might like to see because yes, she's still alive! :)

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Assignments for Thursday, April 23rd:
*Spirit Day: Sports team day!
·       Reading: 15 minutes of reading on either Raz-Kids, Epic, or read your favorite book and send a picture of you reading it. 
·       Phonics: Complete the phonics sheet and have your parents give you Spelling Test.   Take a picture of your spelling test and post on Dojo.  

·       Math (Assessment): Complete math workbook pages 699 –704. Send a picture of your completed work. 
·       Writing / Social Studies (Assessment): Please read the Ruby Bridges book assigned to you on Raz-kids. Epic also has a book on Ruby Bridges. Use this book and your notes about Ruby to complete an informational writing piece. Use the graphic organizer if needed for your rough draft. Your writing should be in paragraph form with a minimum of 5 sentences. Adding details to your facts makes your writing more interesting. Be sure to include her contribution and a character trait.