Sunday, August 25, 2019

What will your child be learning this week?

Math: We are working on counting to 120.

Phonics: The phonics focus for the week is s-family blends.
Spelling words this week: stop, sniff, smell, spot, skip, swim, that, there, water, when

ELA/Daily 5: This week, we are starting Working on Writing. The students will be introduced to different writing activities.

Writing: We will be focusing on how to write narratives.

Science/Social Studies: We have our first STEM day on Wednesday! For this STEM challenge, the students are using various materials to create a structure that can withstand various wind speeds. For Social Studies, we are continuing Me on the Map.

- Grandparent's Reading Day is this Friday, August 30! This is to celebrate grandparents and the important role they play in a child's life. I have created a sign-up genius to sign up for times that the grandparents can come in and read their favorite book or two to my class. I have limited spots available so please sign-up as soon as possible. I look forward to seeing grandparents! 😊

Sign up at this link here:

Important Dates:
August 28: Early Release Day! Students will be dismissed at 12:20. Please plan accordingly.
August 29: 3-5 Grandparent's Breakfast
August 29: Chickfila Night! Come out and support our school! 👍
August 30: K-2 Grandparent's Breakfast and Reading Day!

Sunday, August 18, 2019

What will your child be learning this week?

Math: We are working on counting to 120.

Phonics: The phonics focus for the week is r-family blends.
Spelling words this week: crab, trip, brim, drip, prop, trim, get, make, oil, out

ELA/Daily 5: We hit 20 minutes of Read to Self last week! Yay! This week, we are working on Word Work. The students will be introduced to different word work activities for practicing their spelling words.

Writing: We will be focusing on how to write narratives.

Science/Social Studies: We have Science Lab on Tuesday! We will be wrapping up weather in Science and moving on to "Me on the Map" in Social Studies. This involves talking about where we live.

- I am taking up homework notebooks each Friday to look at their progress. I will give their homework notebooks back every Monday. Spelling words will be put in their agendas each week.
- Spelling tests will be on Fridays. Please continue to practice spelling words with your child each week.
- I still have a few parents who haven't joined Class Dojo. Please let me know if you are having trouble joining!

Important Dates:
August 23: FBI breakfast (7:00-7:45 am)

Sunday, August 11, 2019

We had a wonderful first week of school! The students are getting well adjusted to the rules and routines in the classroom and other places in the school. This is going to be an amazing year! 😀

What will your child be learning this week?

Math: We are working on graphing. We will be working with tally charts, picture graphs, and bar graphs.

Phonics: The phonics focus for the week is l-family blends.
Spelling words this week: blot, plot, clap, flap, slip, glad, are, but, could, each

ELA/Daily 5: We are working on Read to Self in Daily 5. We are working on building our independent reading stamina. Our goal is to hit 20 minutes of independent reading by the end of this week!

Writing: We will be completing a writing about Summer Break.

Science/Social Studies: We are talking about weather, seasons, and types of precipitation.

- Homework starts on Monday. The students will be bringing home their homework notebooks. Please make sure they come back to school with them every Friday so I can check their progress on their homework.
- Spelling tests will be on Fridays. Please practice spelling words with your child.
- Last day to send in money for Addison t-shirt is Friday, August 16th.
- Please join Class Dojo if you haven't already! I sent the activation code home with your child on Friday. We will start using this on Monday. 😊

Important Dates:
August 13: Zaxby's night! Come out and support our school! 👍

Sunday, August 4, 2019

I hope everyone is well rested because it's time for a full week of school! :) 

After only 2 days in the classroom, I can already tell that I have such a sweet class! We have been doing activities to get to know each other and working on becoming familiar with rules and routines such as in the classroom, hallway, cafeteria, learning commons, and on the playground.

This upcoming week, we will assign classroom jobs, begin Daily 5, start talking about weather, practice Phonics, and visit the Science Lab and Learning Commons. As we dig deeper into the topic of weather, I encourage you to ask your child about the weather each day. Ask questions such as "What is the weather like today?" "What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow?"

A few things to know:
- Open House is on Thursday, August 8th at 5:00! I hope to see everyone there.
- Please provide a snack for your child each day. Our lunch time is relatively late and the students get pretty hungry throughout the morning!
- If there are transportation changes for your child that I need to be aware of, please provide a written note in your child's red take home folder or in their agenda. Please make sure to send their red take home folder and their agenda with them to school each day.
- Please return all paperwork as soon as possible.

I will be posting on my blog frequently throughout the year, so please continue to check my blog for updates and pictures. 

Please don't hesitant to email me with any questions or concerns at 

I'm looking forward to an awesome year! 😊